Briefings + practice guidance
Briefings and practice guidance
Very Brief Advice (VBA+)
Very brief advice on smoking (VBA)+
Very brief advice on smoking for Ambulance Clinicians
Very brief advice on smoking for dental patients
Behavioural support for smoking cessation
Standard treatment programme
Stop smoking services: increased chances of quitting
Four week quit rate briefing
Quick wins: the short-term benefits of stopping smoking
The 'Not-a-Puff' rule
Smoking and bone health
Smoking reduction
Smoking cessation interventions involving significant others
Managing post-cessation weight gain
Waterpipe tobacco smoking
Smoking cessation and mental health
Smoking Cessation and Mental Health: A briefing for front-line staff
Smoking cessation and smokefree policies: Good practice for mental health services
Smoking Cessation Intervention for People with Severe Mental Ill Health: SCIMITAR+ Trial
Smoking cessation and cannabis use
Smoking cessation and cannabis use
Service policy guidance on cannabis use
Stopping Smoking in Pregnancy: A briefing for maternity care providers
NCSCT Standard Treatment Programme for Pregnant Women
Supply of NRT to pregnant women
Young people
Young people and quitting smoking
Young people and stopping vaping
Young people resources
Evidence on young people, smoking and vaping
Stop smoking aids
Stop smoking aids resources
Stop smoking aids quick reference sheet
Cost-effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation
Combination NRT
Example varenicline PGD
Animal testing and NRT
NRT and young people
Generic varenicline
Varenicline SPCs
Varenicline Patient Group Direction (PGD)
Varenicline: effectiveness and safety
Cardiovascular disease and varenicline
Unlicensed varenicline
Vaping resources
Vaping: a guide for health and social care professionals
Supporting clients who want to stop vaping
Swap to Stop
Why do we not have Stop Vaping Services?
Information for specialist stop-smoking services that are considering providing e-cigarette starter packs: recommendations from the Trial of Ecigarettes (TEC)
Working with vape shops
Cytisinicline (Cytisine)
Cytisinicline (Cytisine)
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine Patches
Nicotine Inhalator
Nicotine Nasal Spray
Nicotine Mouth Spray
Nicotine Microtabs
Nicotine Lozenge
Guidance on alternatives to Champix
Varenicline SPC update
Secondary care resources
How were these factsheets put together?
The clinical case for providing stop smoking support to hospitalised patients
Cardiovascular patients factsheet
Diabetic patient factsheet
Dental patient factsheet
Mental Health Patients
Oncology patient factsheet
Paediatrics factsheet
Pregnant women factsheet
Respiratory patient factsheet
Rheumatology patient factsheet
Stroke patient factsheet
Surgical patient factsheet
Wound care factsheet
Supporting renal patients
Supporting ophthalmology patients
Neurology patients
Gynaecology patients
Ear, nose and throat patients
Interventions in Secondary Care - Orthopedic Patients Factsheet (NHS Smokefree, 2010)
Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Treatment Resources
Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Treatment: Best Practices and Key Messages
NHS Standard Treatment Plan (STP) for Inpatient Tobacco Dependence
NHS Standard Treatment Plan (STP) for Inpatient Tobacco Dependence in Mental Health Hospitals
Film: Treating Tobacco Dependence in Acute Hospitals
Film: Treating Tobacco Dependence for people in Mental Health Hospitals
Top five myth busting tips on nicotine use
NHS Acute Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Adviser Training Resources
Evaluation materials
Two-Day Course Materials
Modular Training Materials
NHS Mental Health Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Adviser Training Resources
Evaluation materials
Two-Day Course Materials
Modular Training Materials
Communicating with high-risk individuals about lung cancer screening
Communicating with high-risk individuals about lung cancer screening training module
NHSE Competency frameworks for tobacco dependence treatment in secondary care
Appendix A: NHSE Competency Frameworks Overview
Appendix B: Behaviour change techniques for smoking cessation
Appendix C: Template competency framework for recommending, prescribing and dispensing stop smoking medications
Competency Framework Inpatients
Competency Framework Learning Disability
Competency Framework Maternity
Competency Framework Mental Health
Competency Framework Outpatients
NHS Community Pharmacy SCS
Standard Treatment Programme for NHS Community Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Service
Standard Treatment Programme SCS Checklists
Standard Treatment Programme feedback form
NHS Community Mental Health Tobacco Treatment Training Resources
Course evaluation resources
Virtual training materials
Face-to-face training materials
Modular training materials
News and updates
News and updates
Bupropion (Zyban) back in stock
Champix out of stock 2021
Remote consultation guidance
COVID-19: Face-to-face consultations and CO monitoring (January 2021)
Commissioning resources
Resources for commissioners
Transfer of care
Minimum number of clients
The Russell Standard
Advice to services on making vaping products available to clients
Competences required for delivering a Standard Treatment Programme
Integrated health behaviour services briefing
Stop Smoking Services and Health Inequalities
Prevention v Cessation: effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
12 week smoking status guidance
Vaping Allowed vinyl wall sticker (150x100mm)
Vaping Allowed vinyl window sticker - reverse print (150x100mm) For ordering details contact:
Vaping Allowed / No Smoking vinyl wall sticker (150x100mm)
Vaping Allowed / No Smoking vinyl window sticker - reverse print (150x100mm)
Research resources
Dependence on smoking
Health questionnaire
Mood and physical symptoms scale (MPSS)
Motivation to stop smoking
Social support
Past quit attempts
Physical activity questionnaire
Smoking motives
Consent form
Stop Smoking Service Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (full)
Stop Smoking Service Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (brief)
Guidance and evidence reviews
NICE guidance
Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence NG209 (NICE, November 2021)
Behaviour Change: general approaches (NICE, October 2007)
Department of Health and Social Care Guidance
Local Stop Smoking Services and support: commissioning, delivery and monitoring guidance
Maximising the impact of stop smoking services: latest evidence and best practice
Cochrane reviews: behaviour intervention
Individual behavioural counselling for smoking cessation
Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking during pregnancy
Smoking reduction interventions for smoking cessation
Additional behavioural support as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation
Behavioural interventions for smoking cessation: an overview and network meta-analysis
Group behaviour therapy programmes for smoking cessation
Mobile phone text messaging and app-based interventions for smoking cessation
Internet-based interventions for smoking cessation
Telephone counselling for smoking cessation
Print-based self-help interventions for smoking cessation
Enhancing partner support to improve smoking cessation
Psychosocial interventions for smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart disease
Exercise interventions for smoking cessation
Motivational interviewing for smoking cessation
Smoking cessation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Relapse prevention interventions for smoking cessation
Cochrane reviews: pharmacological interventions
Combined pharmacotherapy and behavioural interventions for smoking cessation
Pharmacological and electronic cigarette interventions for smoking cessation in adults: component network meta-analyses
Pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: an overview and network meta analysis
Nicotine receptor partial agonists for smoking cessation
Nicotine replacement therapy versus control for smoking cessation
Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation
What is the best way to use nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking?
Antidepressants for smoking cessation
Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy
Interventions to increase adherence to medications for tobacco dependence
Cochrane reviews: community interventions
Strategies to improve smoking cessation rates in primary care
Community interventions for reducing smoking among adults
Community pharmacy personnel interventions for smoking cessation
Family and carer smoking control programmes for reducing children's exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
Nursing interventions for smoking cessation
Physician advice for smoking cessation
Competitons for smoking cessation
School-based programmes for preventing smoking
Cochrane reviews: interventions in other settings
Acupuncture and related interventions for smoking cessation
Biomedical risk assessment as an aid for smoking cessation
Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation
Interventions for preoperative smoking cessation
Interventions for smoking cessation in hospitalised patients
Training resources
Virtual training
Virtual course in behavioural support for smoking cessation
Virtual course in behavioural support for smoking cessation in pregnancy
Virtual course for Community Mental Health Tobacco Treatment
Virtual course for Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Advisors
Virtual course for Inpatient Mental Health Tobacco Dependence Advisors
Vaping workshop: adults
Vaping workshops: children and young people
Training resources
NCSCT Training Standard
Helping people stop smoking: the core competences DVD
Very Brief Advice on smoking training DVD
30 Seconds Very Brief Advice on Smoking DVD
Very Brief Advice on Secondhand Smoke DVD
About us
About the NCSCT
Introducing the NCSCT
NCSCT Services
Privacy Policy
Frequently asked questions
Health questionnaire
Here is a standardised questionnaire used to assess information about clients' health.
Health questionnaire