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  • Stop smoking aids resources

    Our extensive online training and assessment programme covers all aspects of advice on the use of stop smoking medications and nicotine vapes.

    In this section we have a couple of general resources that relate to stop smoking aids.

    Stop smoking aids quick reference sheet

    This quick reference clinical tool has been written by experts in the field to support stop smoking practitioners with the task of helping clients to choose the best medication for them.

    To make best use of this reference sheet, you should take the NCSCT online Stop Smoking Medications module and familiarise yourself with the Summary of Product Characteristics for each medication (available on this website in specific chapters in this STOP SMOKING AIDS section).

    Cost-effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation

    This briefing addresses the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions.

    Analysis shows that when smoking cessation interventions are effective they are invariably also cost-effective; and that this is also the case for pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation, including nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Champix).

    Indeed, findings from economic analyses from the UK and elsewhere confirm that smoking cessation interventions, including pharmacotherapy, are among the most cost-effective health care interventions available.

    Combination NRT

    Fully updated NCSCT briefing on combination NRT including the latest research evidence and clinical good practice.

    The original NCSCT briefing on combination NRT was written in 2012 because, despite good evidence on safety and efficacy, obtaining support and funding for combination NRT was often difficult. Since that time, clinical experience and evidence regarding the role of combination NRT in increasing quit rates has grown and it has now been established as standard treatment.

    This updated briefing is intended as a resource for commissioners, managers and staff of stop smoking services and summarises the latest evidence and practice guidance related to combination NRT.

    Example varenicline PGD

    The following documents are provided here as examples only. Local areas are welcome to adapt them further as required.

    Animal testing and NRT

    In response to an enquiry from a patient, we asked manufacturers of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) available in the UK to provide information on whether their products have been tested on animals.

    This briefing includes their responses about the products they manufacture.

    NRT and young people

    This briefing answers the question we are often asked: which NRT products are licensed for use by young people under 18 years of age?

    NRT can be considered safe and effective for young people aged 12-17, but the evidence isn't as strong as for adults because there simply hasn't been as much research carried out on this age group. The recommendation for use of NRT by young people aged 11-17 differs by manufacturer and product, and this briefing summarises this information.