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  • Cytisinicline (Cytisine)

    We are, like you, gaining clinical experience and expertise in helping our clients to quit using cytisine. As we learn more, we will develop more training and support materials for you.

    Note: we use the name Cytisine as opposed to Cytisinicline but you may need to use 'cytisinicline' if looking for the medication in the British National Formulary, and GPs will certainly need to use it to prescribe electronically as it will be listed as this.

    Here we include a NEW briefing, a summary and dosing guide, and the Summary of Product Characteristics. Plus information for a Medicines Management application to add cytisine to your formulary.

    Cytisinicline (Cytisine)

    Cytisine is now a licensed prescription only medication in the UK. Note: we use the name Cytisine as opposed to Cytisinicline but you may need to use 'cytisinicline' if looking for the medication in the British National Formulary, and GPs will certainly need to use it to prescribe electronically as it will be listed as this.

    This short film summarises what cytisine offers and urges health and social care organisations to make it available to people who smoke. The film was part-funded by a grant provided by Consilient Health who had no influence or input into the content.

    Consilient Health announced the availability of Cytisine from 22nd January 2024 and the NCSCT has written a briefing to help practitioners prepare for supporting their clients to quit using cytisine. We will continue to develop resources as we gain more experience and expertise in the use of cytisine. We are also updating our online and virtual training content to support practitioners to prescribe/recommend cytisine.

    A recent update from NICE including cytisine in their smoking cessation guidelines [NG209] is available here

    In addition to the Cytisine Briefing below, we have also included the Cytisine Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) and an NCSCT Cytisine summary and dosing guide (improved for March 2024).

    Our colleagues from Greater Manchester have made an application to their Medicines Management Board to get cytisine on their ICB formulary. They have kindly allowed us to post it here as a resource.

    Cytisine Patient Group Direction (PGD)

    The NHS Specialist Pharmacy Services (SPS) has developed a Patient Group Direction (PGD) as a template for you to develop your own local PGD.

    This link will take you to the Specialist Pharmacy Services PGD page so that, if the PGD is ever updated, you will have the most up to date version: Cytisinicline for smoking cessation – SPS - Specialist Pharmacy Service – The first stop for professional medicines advice