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  • Smoking cessation and cannabis use

    These complementary briefings both provide practitioners with an overview of cannabis products and methods of harm reduction, and guidance and practical considerations for stop smoking services when developing policies for discussing and recording cannabis use with service users.

    Smoking cessation and cannabis use

    This briefing has been written by clinical and academic experts. It addresses how to help clients stop or manage their cannabis use so that they can minimise the impact it has upon their attempt to quit smoking.

    The briefing provides practitioners with an overview of cannabis products and methods of harm reduction so that they can speak with confidence to their clients on this topic.

    Service policy guidance on cannabis use

    This briefing was written as a complement to: NCSCT Smoking cessation and cannabis use: A guide for stop smoking practitioners.

    The briefing offers guidance and practical considerations for stop smoking services when developing a policy for discussing and recording cannabis use with service users.