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  • About the NCSCT

    In this section you should find everything that you need to know about the NCSCT.

    If you don't find your questions answered below, please feel free to contact the enquiries team.

    Enquiries Team
    Please call us on 01305 755 828 or if you would prefer, you can email us at:

    Postal address:
    1 Great Western Industrial Centre
    Dorchester, Dorset
    DT1 1RD

    Introducing the NCSCT

    The NCSCT is a social enterprise committed to:

    • support the delivery of smoking cessation interventions provided by local stop smoking services
    • support the NHS and Local Authorities to deliver effective evidence-based tobacco control programmes
    • deliver training and assessment programmes, resources and guidance to stop smoking practitioners and other health and social care professionals

    The NCSCT was initially established at University College London in 2009 by Professors Robert West and Susan Michie, and current Chief Executive Dr Andy McEwen via a three year Department of Health grant. Now a community interest company, the NCSCT is part-funded through a contract with the Department of Health and Social Care (2023-26) and through licensing its training and assessment programme (to Public Health Wales, The Health Services Executive (Republic of Ireland) and the Ministry of Defence), delivering face-to-face (virtual) training courses, providing consultancy services and participating in research.

    The NCSCT is not a provider of stop smoking support because that would create a conflict of interest with its role in establishing and monitoring standards of delivery.

    The NCSCT and its staff have a clear policy to not engage in work or conversation with companies who receive funding or backing from organisations related to the tobacco industry in line with Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and following guidance from the Department of Health and Social Care: Guidance for government engagement with the tobacco industry

    NCSCT Services

    Written in 2023, this document summarises the main services (courses and resources) that the NCSCT provided to the field last year.

    For further information on any of the NCSCT services, please contact

    Privacy Policy

    We take your privacy very seriously and data will only be used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018.

    Our website, privacy and cookies policy below explains how we collect and use personal data from and about visitors to our website through browsing, purchasing items and registering to access online training courses through our website.

    This policy does not apply to our face-to-face and virtual training courses; our Training Course Attendee Privacy Notice is available from and is given to everyone attending our face-to-face and virtual courses.

    Our objective is to ensure that you are never surprised by how your personal data has been used by us. You are therefore encouraged to read the policy. As we make changes to our website, we may need to update this policy. If we make any important changes that affect your rights and interests, we will make sure we bring this to your attention and explain what this means for you.

    If you have any questions in relation to this policy or wish to exercise any of your rights under data protection law, you should contact

    Frequently asked questions

    We have come across a number of questions that people often ask us and we hope that these questions and answers are helpful. Otherwise, please feel free to call us on 01305 755 828, or send an email to

    What is the NCSCT?
    The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) aims to support stop smoking services and practitioners, plus other health and social care professionals, to provide high quality stop smoking interventions based on the most up-to-date evidence available. The NCSCT works towards this aim in partnership with the field through the provision of online and face-to-face (virtual) training courses and modules, and a website containing the latest resources and guidance.

    What is the significance of the NCSCT Training Standard - Learning Outcomes for Training Stop Smoking Practitioners?
    The NCSCT Training Standard superseded the HDA standard as the official benchmark of quality training for stop smoking service personnel in April 2010. It is based on the key competences (knowledge and skills) required to deliver effective smoking cessation interventions and was fully updated in 2018.

    What training does the NCSCT provide?
    NCSCT online training and assessment programmes are free of charge and are available to all from our website. They are based on the competences identified in the NCSCT Training Standard and include the following elements:

    • Assessment of core knowledge and practice skills for stop smoking practitioners
    • Very Brief Advice training
    • Secondhand smoke training
    • Specialty module on smoking cessation and mental health
    • Specialty module on pregnancy and the post-partum period
    • Very Brief Advice on smoking for pregnant women
    • Stop smoking medications
    • Nicotine vapes
    • Very Brief Advice on Smoking for Homelessness services

    The NCSCT also provide face-to-face (now virtual) courses in behavioural support skills. These two-day courses in the behaviour change techniques for which there is most evidence of effectiveness have been delivered to over 10,000 practitioners. Costs for this course are available upon request and details are in the Training Resources section of this site.

    What are the benefits of undertaking NCSCT training and assessment programmes?
    Ensuring that staff delivering stop smoking interventions have passed the Assessment of core knowledge and skills and achieved NCSCT certification provides stop smoking services with a measure of quality assurance by:
    • Confirming that stop smoking practitioners have the necessary knowledge and skills required to deliver stop smoking interventions.
    • Ensuring that the interventions that stop smoking practitioners deliver are evidence-based.
    • Committing stop smoking practitioners to providing evidence of clinical effectiveness and ongoing continual professional development.

    How do I access the NCSCT Training and Assessment Programme?
    The NCSCT Training and Assessment Programme is available via the NCSCT website:

    Who is eligible to undertake the Training and Assessment Programme?
    We would encourage anybody who helps smokers to quit to register with the NCSCT, use the online training programme and take the practitioner assessment. This includes both Specialist Stop Smoking Practitioners, frequently employed directly by stop smoking services, and Community Stop Smoking Practitioners, including those based in GP surgeries, pharmacies and other settings.

    This NCSCT certification will then give practitioners, their employers and, most importantly of all, their clients, evidence that they are competent in helping smokers to stop - it is a quality assurance measure.

    Note: The NCSCT online training and assessment programme covers the core knowledge and skills and so should not be perceived as conferring expert status. We have always been clear as well that our national training needs to be complemented by local training and that for practitioners to be effective they must also, in addition to being NCSCT certified, observe an experienced practitioner before seeing clients, be observed themselves and receive regular support and supervision. They should also engage in continuing professional development activities and ensure that a minimum number of clients are seen a year to maintain their knowledge and skills.

    What is the NCSCT pass mark?
    The pass mark for the core knowledge and skills assessment is 70%.

    What happens if I fail the assessment?
    If you fail the assessment, you can retake it. There is no limit on how times you can attempt the assessment.

    Why do we need to enter personal details into the registration form?
    Some of the information asked for on registration is included because it is needed for our research projects/ evaluations. We are currently reviewing the data we request to ensure that we only collect relevant data. To find out more about how the NCSCT uses and protects its data please click here for our data protection statement.

    What happens once I pass the assessments?
    You will receive an email congratulating you on passing and an electronic copy of your certificate. In addition, we publish the names of any NCSCT certified practitioner on the Certified Practitioners list on our website. You can opt-out of having your name on the certified trainees list, by emailing enquiries.

    Can I access a copy of the Training Programme that is not online?
    It was designed as an online course and so is not feasible for it to also be available in hard copy. However there is a print to pdf function available on the training pages.

    Can I find out the questions I got wrong and the answers to them?
    Unfortunately we cannot give you the correct answers as we use a limited number of questions for the assessments and release of the answers would undermine the validity of NCSCT certification.

    Can you tell me more about the specialty modules and who they are aimed at?
    The NCSCT has released two specialty modules; Smoking in Pregnancy and the Post-Partum Period and Smoking and Mental Health. Both modules are based upon identified and evidence-based behaviour change techniques and have been written for us by leading clinical and academic experts. Anyone who is NCSCT certified is eligible to access the specialty modules.

    Will you be doing training that focuses on groups?
    We have identified the competences (knowledge and skills) required to deliver effective smoking cessation interventions for both individual and group interventions. We have based our online training and assessment programme around these, including an extensive practice section.

    The NCSCT Training Standard also lists these competences as learning outcomes for any training of smoking cessation practitioners (in group or individual contexts) and can be found in the Training Resources section of this site.

    Our face-to-face (virtual) skills-based training courses focus on individual interventions. This is not because we do not recognise the increased effectiveness of group interventions, it is purely recognition that less than 3% of smokers setting a quit date with local stop smoking services do so in groups. A specialty module for group treatment may be developed in the future, but we will make our decision on this based upon anticipated demand and clinical need.

    Will the NCSCT be providing training in 'alternative' approaches to smoking cessation (e.g. hypnotherapy and acupuncture)?
    No. The NCSCT's training programmes will focus only on treatment approaches with clear evidence of efficacy according to the research literature.

    Looking specifically at hypnotherapy, at present rigorous reviews of the evidence-base do not support the use of hypnotherapy as research to date has not shown that it can improve long-term abstinence rates (see Abbot NC, Stead LF, White AR and Barnes J (2006) 'Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2): CD001008)

    How does the NCSCT training fit in with Level 2 and 3 stop smoking practitioners?
    Our training does not adhere to the level 2/3 distinction because of our competence-based approach. We believe that every practitioner who sees a smoker should possess these competences in order to effectively deliver stop smoking interventions.

    How does this training fit with our local training and should we continue to commission local training for local stop smoking service staff?
    We would recommend that all stop smoking practitioners undertake the online training and assessment programme as this will allow them to prove to themselves and to clients that they have the necessary knowledge to help smokers to stop. It also offers your service a measure of quality assurance in the interventions being delivered to smokers. We would, however, recommend that local training programmes should be reviewed and aligned with the NCSCT Training Standard.

    Note: The NCSCT online Training and Assessment Programme covers the core knowledge and skills and so should not be perceived as conferring expert status. We have always been clear as well that our national training needs to be complemented by local training and that for practitioners to be effective they must also, in addition to being NCSCT certified, observe an experienced practitioner before seeing clients, be observed themselves and receive regular support and supervision. They should also engage in continuing professional development activities and ensure that a minimum number of clients are seen a year to maintain their knowledge and skills.

    What about other commercial training courses such as the 'Maudsley Training'?
    If services use commercial trainers then it is recommended that they should meet the learning outcomes outlined in the NCSCT Training Standards document and that there should also be an assessment. The 'Maudsley' courses have also been rated very highly by participants and they are run by many of the people who helped us develop NCSCT training.

    Will individual trainers and/or training organisations be able to apply for NCSCT accreditation?
    No. The NCSCT does not accredit other trainers or training organisations.

    Is it compulsory for all stop smoking practitioners to undertake the NCSCT training and assessments?
    Although strongly recommended it is not compulsory for stop smoking practitioners to undertake our training. However, it is likely that in the very near future commissioners of stop smoking services will require NCSCT certification of practitioners as both NICE and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) recommend that anyone assisting smokers to quit should be NCSCT Certified.

    How will the NCSCT keep its stakeholders informed of developments and available training services?
    The NCSCT website will be the main portal for up-to-date information on NCSCT training developments and support services. The website offers the opportunity to join our mailing list to receive the latest information from the NCSCT.

    Have specific competences been identified for commissioners?
    We have not yet addressed competences for commissioners of smoking cessation services but we have produced a number of resources to assist commissioners with their roles and these are available in the Commissioning Resources section of this site.

    Included in this set of resources is a toolkit 'Stop Smoking Services: Needs Analysis: a toolkit for commisssioners' has been developed to help commissioners identify, assess and prioritise where effective action should be taken when commissioning stop smoking services. It will help in considering the initial phase of the commissioning cycle; assess need of potential service users, review current service provision, and identify gaps to help focus commissioning on the identified priorities.