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  • Local Stop Smoking Services and support: commissioning, delivery and monitoring guidance

    This document provides clear steps for commissioning, delivering and monitoring effective, evidence-based stop smoking support. This guidance, which replaces the previous document published in 2014, includes evidence updates and current developments in best practice.

    This document will undergo a formal annual review and be edited as new policy, research and clinical guidance developments emerge.

    Annual review due: 26.3.25. Date of last substantive review: 16.3.24

    Minor review 2.4.24: updated proportion of people who smoke and die because of their smoking (two in three rather than three in four) and cost of smoking (both on page 12), replaced consumption graph with prevalence data (page 13), updated reference 10 (page 46) to 2023, and referred to 'people who smoke' rather than 'smoker' (throughout where possible).

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