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  • Very Brief Advice (VBA+)

    These briefings describe how to deliver Very Brief Advice on Smoking (VBA+) and provide examples how the ASK, ADVISE and ACT model can be tailored to different population groups.

    We also have a comprehensive suite of short VBA+ training modules on our e-learning site.

    Very brief advice on smoking (VBA)+

    The original VBA model focussed on referral to local Stop Smoking Services. Some areas no longer offer a stop smoking service to all smokers and there is now a wider set of options for stop smoking support. The updated VBA+ model reflects the fact that patients interested in stopping smoking should be referred to the best locally available support.

    In some areas this will remain the local Stop Smoking Service, in others this will include trained colleagues in pharmacy, primary care, mental health, maternity and acute care settings.

    Importantly, the principles and merits of VBA+ remain the same: promote quit attempts and link smokers to evidence-based stop smoking support.

    As with any clinical skill it is important to ensure this training is refreshed periodically. All those who have previously completed the NCSCT VBA modules can now retake the online VBA+ courses and receive a new certificate of competence as a refresher.

    Very brief advice on smoking for Ambulance Clinicians

    Ambulance Clinicians already routinely ask about smoking status as part of taking a history, but they also have an opportunity to discuss stopping smoking with non-emergency 999 patients.

    We've worked with colleagues in the Ambulance Service to produce this guidance for Ambulance Clinicians on delivering Very Brief Advice on Smoking (VBA+).

    Very brief advice on smoking for dental patients

    Written in partnership with Public Health England (now Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) and MD Diagnostics, this briefing provides guidance on delivering VBA+ in dental settings. The briefing covers:

    • establishing smoking status (ASK)
    • advising on the best way of quitting (ADVISE)
    • responding appropriately to the patients decision (ACT)