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  • Spontaneous quitters and the NHS Long Term Plan: clarification of the 48-hour rule

    This briefing considers how to classify an individual who has started a treatment programme in hospital and is referred to a community stop smoking service upon discharge, and whether their data can be submitted as part of the local stop smoking data returns to NHS Digital.

    Clarification summary
    When an individual has started a treatment programme in hospital and is referred to a community stop smoking service upon discharge (and within 14 days of last cigarette) this constitutes a transfer of their treatment, meaning they are not classed as 'spontaneous quitters'. They can be treated by the local service and their data can be submitted as part of the local stop smoking data returns to NHS Digital.

    This briefing does not include the referral to community stop smoking services of people leaving prison. This issue is covered in a previous version of this document which is also available below and which aims to maximise the benefits of prompting a quit attempt in both hospitals and prisons and adds flexibility to the community stop smoking offer for individuals most in need of expert support to stop smoking for good.